Transcending the boundaries of traditional interior design and targeting a broader scope to modify, redesign, or create entirely new buildings, this service accomodates clients looking to elevate daily well-being of the occupants in the spaces they inhabit.

Full Service Design

Interior Design

Going beyond mere decoration, Interior Design is the art and science of enhancing interior space.

Seamlessly blending creative and technical skills to optimize aesthetics and functionality, our holistic design approach is centred on the occupant's needs and preferences.

At the core of our design philosophy lies Biophilic Design—the artful integration of nature into our spaces. By articulating the relationships between nature, science, and the built environment, we create spaces that invite people to experience the simplicity and beauty of the natural world. Beyond aesthetics, our designs wield a profound impact on daily well-being: reducing stress, enhancing mood, sparking creativity, and improving cognitive function.

  • The following Design Phases ensure a comprehensive and well-executed interior design project. The specific details of each phase can vary based on the project's complexity and the client's requirements.

    1 Preliminary Design (Programming)

    We begin the process by meeting with you to define the project scope and determine a design strategy. In this meeting we ask lots of questions to get an overall understanding of your objectives for your space. We gather pertinent information that will impact the design; Context, how each space will be used, how much space is required etc. We will also provide a preliminary space plan based on the programming diagrams. We will then meet to discuss the options we have come up with for your space, and next steps.

    2 Concept Development

    We will meet to discuss the client’s desired aesthetic and how it relates to the project/space goals and objectives. We will also discuss functional and performance aspects of the space in relation to materials and finishes. Once we have a general direction we will put together 2-3 options for the design aesthetic and present them to the client. The client will then have the opportunity to provide feedback on the options and request any modifications.

    3 Space Planning

    Based on the information gathered in the Preliminary + Programming design Phase, we will design 2-3 options for the clients approval. We will generally present these options in the form of sketches, so the client can visualize the different spatial directions the project could take. These sketches will provide the client with the opportunity to verify that we have correctly interpreted the desired functional relationships between various activities and spaces. The client will then have the opportunity to provide feedback on the design and request any modifications. Once the client has selected a design option that best suits their needs, we will begin the process of refining the design during the Design Development phase.

    4 Material Selection

    Building upon the chosen design concept, our team will curate a selection of materials that aligns with your aesthetic preferences and functional needs. You will have the opportunity to touch and feel these materials, ensuring that every element contributes to the desired atmosphere of your space.

    5 Furniture Fixture Selection

    During this phase, we'll explore options that complement the design aesthetic and fulfill your functional requirements. From statement pieces to practical furnishings, our team will present choices tailored to your project. You'll have the chance to review and provide feedback on the proposed selections, ensuring that every piece contributes to the overall harmony of your interior.

    6 Lighting Design + Specification

    We'll craft a lighting design that enhances both aesthetics and functionality. Our team will specify fixtures that align with the overall concept, considering factors such as ambiance, task lighting, and accentuation. You'll have the opportunity to review and discuss the proposed lighting plan, ensuring that it not only illuminates your space effectively but also adds a layer of sophistication to the design.

    7 Design Development

    In this phase the schematic design decisions are worked out in greater detail. A clear and coordinated description of all aspects of the design including Architectural, Mechanical, Plumbing, Electrical and Fire Protection Systems is worked out providing a basis for the preparation of construction documents. A Construction Manager is brought on board to assists the Client and designer in determining potential cost savings, energy efficiency, and constructability improvements. At the end of the design development phase the designer will provide the client with drafted to-scale drawings that will illustrate the project as it would look when it's constructed.

    8 Documentation

    Once settled on a final design we will begin preparing drawings, notes, and technical specifications necessary for bidding, construction, and permit application. Contractors will use these detailed drawings and specifications to prepare for the next phase in design process.

    9 Contractor Selection

    As we move from the design vision to the implementation phase, selecting the right contractor for your project is crucial. We'll assist you in choosing a contractor who aligns with the project's scope, timeline, and budget. Our team will evaluate potential contractors based on their expertise, past projects, and compatibility with the project vision. Your input in this selection process ensures a collaborative and successful partnership as we transition from design to construction.

    10 Construction Administration

    With the design finalized and the contractor on board, we enter the construction administration phase. Our team will act as a liaison between you and the contractor, overseeing the project's progress to ensure it aligns with the approved design. We'll address any issues that may arise during construction, keeping you informed and involved. Regular site visits and communication with the construction team will ensure that the design intent is faithfully translated into the built environment.

    11 Furnishing Installation

    The final touch to your transformed space is the installation of furnishings. Our team will coordinate the delivery and placement of furniture, fixtures, and accessories to bring the design to life. From arranging furniture layouts to styling decorative elements, we'll handle every detail to ensure a seamless and visually stunning result. The furnishing installation phase is the exciting culmination of our collaborative journey, marking the transition from concept to a fully realized and personalized interior.

Architectural Interior Design

Our Architectural Interior Design Services go beyond the conventions of traditional interior design, prioritizing architectural considerations to create a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. With this service, we can modify, redesign, and even conceive entirely new buildings, crafting spaces that are not only visually appealing and functional but also harmoniously coexist with their surroundings.

By understanding and integrating the unique features of a site's context, such as its location, topography, and climate, we tailor designs to harness natural elements to their advantage. Strategic placement and shaping of structures are paramount in our approach. Building orientation emerges as a pivotal consideration, optimizing not only natural daylight and panoramic views but also facilitating natural ventilation and leveraging passive energy techniques.

These thoughtful manipulations enhance the user's spatial experience while reducing reliance on artificial energy sources. The result is a design that not only harmonizes with its environment and operates efficiently but also contributes to reduced energy consumption and long-term cost savings for the client.

  • 1 Programming (Predesign)

    We begin the process by meeting with you to define the project scope and determine a design strategy. In this meeting we ask lots of questions to get an overall understanding of your objectives for your project. We gather pertinent information that will impact the design; Context, how each space will be used, how much space is required etc. We will also provide a preliminary space plan based on the programming diagrams. We will then meet to discuss the options we have come up with for your space, and next steps.

    2 Conceptual Design

    We will meet to discuss the client’s desired aesthetic and how it relates to the project/space goals and objectives. We will also discuss functional and performance aspects of the space in relation to materials and finishes. Once we have a general direction we will put together 2-3 options for the design aesthetic and present them to the client. The client will then have the opportunity to provide feedback on the options and request any modifications.

    3 Schematic Design

    Based on the information gathered in the Preliminary + Programming design Phase, we will design 2-3 options for the clients approval. We will generally present these options in the form of sketches, so the client can visualize the different spatial directions the project could take. These sketches will provide the client with the opportunity to verify that we have correctly interpreted the desired functional relationships between various activities and spaces. The client will then have the opportunity to provide feedback on the design and request any modifications. Once the client has selected a design option that best suits their needs, we will begin the process of refining the design during the Design Development phase.

    4 Design Development

    In this phase the schematic design decisions are worked out in greater detail. A clear and coordinated description of all aspects of the design including Architectural, Mechanical, Plumbing, Electrical and Fire Protection Systems is worked out providing a basis for the preparation of construction documents. A Construction Manager is brought on board to assists the Client and designer in determining potential cost savings, energy efficiency, and constructability improvements. At the end of the design development phase the designer will provide the client with drafted to-scale drawings that will illustrate the project as it would look when it's constructed.

    5 Contract documentation

    Once settled on a final design we will begin preparing drawings, notes, and technical specifications necessary for bidding, construction, and permit application. Contractors will use these detailed drawings and specifications to prepare for the next phase in design process.